When you are hurting one of the hardest choices to make is deciding what doctor, or even what type of doctor, to visit. Many questions may go through your head: Is surgery needed? What about pills or injections? Is Chiropractic the best natural choice? etc, etc, etc.
Dr. Longo understands your concerns and is here to help you make the right choice. Having taken extensive post graduate training in spinal injury, Dr. Longo is an expert at diagnosing what is wrong and then developing a plan to make you better... even if that means sending you to a different doctor. You see, Dr. Longo works closely with a large network of surgeons, orthopedists, pain doctors, physical therapists, and neurologists. Many studies have proven that chiropractic care is the best choice for certain injuries. However, there is also evidence that for other injuries the best approach is to have a multi-specialty team working together so that you can get the best that each doctor has to off…