Test Geek provides premium SAT & ACT prep in Dallas, Plano, Frisco and most of DFW. Our prep classes and private tutoring are taught by expert, 99th percentile tutors and our students go on to some of the most competitive colleges in America.
SAT PREP & ACT PREP IN DALLAS, PLANO & FRISCOThe best ACT & SAT prep in Dallas starts with the best tutors. Our top 1% tutors raise scores and help students get into the best colleges possible. We are passionate about creating the most effective prep program available, and our results are quite compelling: Our average student goes up over 210 points on the SAT and 3-4 points on the ACT. If your son or daughter has big dreams but modest test scores, we can help. We offer prep classes in Dallas, Plano and Grapevinefor every test date, and our ACT & SAT tutoring program offers one-on-one, completely customized tutoring with experts.