Tosca Drive Auto Body


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Additional Info

Street53 Tosca Dr
StateMassachusetts MA
CountryUnited States
Zip Code02072
Service AreaMassachusetts MA
Phone(781) 297-7878

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 07:30AM–17:30PM; Saturday 09:00AM–13:00PM; Sunday Closed

The restoration philosophy of Tosca Drive Auto Body & Truck, Inc., is simple: Repair Sans Despair! The victim of an accident has already experienced enough headaches and stress. Our job is to relieve your pain through a peerless combination of technical skill, forthrightness, and empathy. And from our vast experience we are sure we can deliver on our promise.

Naturally, our technicians love it when flashy brands and legendary models roll into the shop. But most drivers are principally interested in getting to work or school, shopping or going on dates. Their cars inspire the very same focus and care in our people as do the flashy ones. If we see anything that might cause you pain going forward, we’ll point it out and show you the simplest road to a more pleasing restoration. For instance, we’ll check every vehicle for small scratches, which can often lead to more expensive corrosion, rust, and metal-integrity issues.

Here are some of the principles underlying our auto body philosophy:

  • The highest quality materials will be used, to attain pre-accident or desired results
  • Associates will be experienced and skilled professionals who know the business, inside and out
  • A customer-oriented price policy will always be enforced
  • We are committed to punctuality, and completing work in the least time possible
  • Long-term thinking will guide us, so that repairs and restorations will carry the car’s life far into the future
  • The customer will be informed—in a respectful, non-technical manner—about everything that’s going on with a vehicle under repair

Obviously we don’t know how you treat your car, nor can we predict the condition it’ll be in when it leaves our shop. But we’ll get you back on the road in a safe ride, for sure. Stop by our Stoughton shop and witness our philosophy in action, for yourself.

September 28, 2019 6:03 am

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