Oil Paintings Gallery
Photo Gallery
Additional Info
Street | 4182 Hearthstone Dr |
City | Sarasota |
State | Florida FL |
Country | United States |
Zip Code | 34238 |
Service Area | Florida FL |
Phone | 1 (800) 594-5191 |
webmaster@oilpaintingsgallery.com | |
Website | https://www.oilpaintingsgallery.com/ |
https://www.facebook.com/OilPaintingsGallery | |
http://twitter.com/OilPaintingsGal |
Business HoursMon-Sun: 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM |
Oil Paintings Gallery sells museum quality hand-painted oil paintings and frames for homes, offices, restaurants, and other places of business and leisure. We have assembled thousands of famous artworks from the classics like Leonardo Da Vinci and Claude Monet, to more contemporary artists and styles, in a convenient and fun online shopping service. Choose from scores of themes, genres, and artists including Van Gogh, Renoir, Gauguin, Gustav Klimt, and many more. We have a huge selection of abstract art paintings, animal paintings, figurative oil paintings, religious oil paintings, still life oil paintings, flower paintings, and landscape paintings that are available in our collection. All of our paintings are hand-painted (no printing involved) in oil on high-grade canvas, with only the highest quality materials and techniques. Your order of fine art oil paintings is then promptly delivered to your home or office, framed and ready to be hung.
Museum Quality Hand Painted Oil Paintings & Frames
Buy with confidence, we strive for perfection.
Our oil paintings are completely hand-painted, absolutely no printing. 100% original craftsmanship starting from a blank canvas and ending in a museum quality artwork. Choose from thousands of images for your museum-quality works of art, in any size at an affordable price. Order reproductions of masterpieces, classic and original paintings, originals, or create a custom order from your favorite photo, painting, or portrait.
- 4182 Hearthstone Dr Sarasota Florida FL 34238
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