Northern Nevada Children’s Dental and Orthodontics


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Additional Info

Street175 Brinkby Ave
StateNevada NV
CountryUnited States
Zip Code89509
Service AreaNevada NV
Phone(775) 446-7623

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 09:00am-05:00pm

A bright smile is key to a bright future—that’s why Northern Nevada Children’s Dental and Orthodontics provides the kind of care that children need to start their life’s journey with strong and healthy teeth. Our trained doctors and staff are committed to offering childrens’ dental care that is safe, effective, and affordable to all families, no matter their income levels. Come visit us or call today to make an appointment and see what NNCDO can do for your family’s oral health!

April 5, 2022 12:07 pm

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