Millennium Home Visiting Nurses LLC


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Additional Info

Street12221 Parklawn Dr. Suite 205
StateMaryland MD
CountryUnited States
Zip Code20852
Service AreaMaryland MD
Phone(301) 355-0260

Business Hours

Mon-Sun: 9:00AM-5:00PM

In-Home Care for seniors

Our in-home care services for seniors depending on the client’s need includes monitoring heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar (Glucose) level; caring for wounds from injury or surgery; managing IVs and catheters; providing physical and cognitive therapies; educating patients and family caregivers; preparing proper meals and cleaning the home; etc.

Home Health Care Aid service positively impacts the lives of the sick, disabled, and elderly. The service assists patients with completing everyday personal tasks such as dressing, bathing and a variety of hygiene needs. It includes assistance in everyday duties such as shopping, transportation and medical appointments for Home Health Aid. It also augments in-home recovery, rehabilitation, hospices, and palliative care.

Our companionship and homemaking service is designed to take away loneliness and to ensure patients and clients have that extra hand, ears, and eyes to live a healthy and enjoyable life. It promotes mental and cognitive simulations, increased mobility, positive socialization, overall health improvement, and safety supervision.

January 26, 2020 2:04 pm

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