Expressway Cinema Rentals


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Additional Info

Street75 Goodway Drive, Ste 1
StateNew York NY
CountryUnited States
Zip Code14623
Service AreaNew York NY

Business Hours

Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM

Our newest location includes a full-service camera rental facility, a 1250 sq. ft. photo studio, and a complement of industry-leading gear to help bring your project to life.

Expressway brings with us the culture of quality our staff is known for and the unmatched technical expertise that has made us a preferred rental house. As your new neighbors, we stand committed to partnering with local talent to strengthen creative capabilities in the region, to foster new opportunities through engagement with the community, and to build a better industry together.

December 10, 2020 7:04 am

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Listing ID 5675f7f4ddd54191 333 total views, 0 today
