Above Bits LLC


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Additional Info

Street5500 Executive Center Dr, Ste. 141
StateNorth Carolina NC
CountryUnited States
Zip Code28212
Service AreaNorth Carolina NC
Phone(980) 339-6311

Business Hours

9:00AM - 6:00PM Monday - Friday

A bit is the smallest unit of measurement used to quantify computer data. At Above Bits, we ensure that all of your website’s needs are met – down to the last bit.
We’re not just another website company. Evolution in technology is continually transforming how businesses operate and how people interact with the world. With every passing day, the 4.3 billion active internet users raise their expectations. In order to meet these higher standards, it has become imperative that businesses utilize crisp web development and design to provide fast, intelligent and individualized interactions.
Since 2006, we have collaborated with hundreds of businesses, nonprofits and government agencies to develop and enhance their online presence. Located in Charlotte, NC our team boasts subject matter experts in the most cutting edge technologies in web design and our operations team can guide you to the custom solutions that best suit your needs.

October 18, 2021 1:32 pm

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