5280 House Cleaning – Thornton


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Street660 W 84th Ave
StateColorado CO
CountryUnited States
Zip Code80260
Service AreaColorado CO
Phone(720) 961-5039

5280 House Cleaning has actually been offering clients in the Greater Denver Metro Area since 2011. Choose us for truly very thorough house cleaning. We are completely insured as well as bonded. Our cleaners will arrive wearing uniforms, totally equipped, in a cool blue Prius, with a company logo. From our cars to our cleaning products, to our methods, our company is a Green Cleaning Company.

5280 House Cleaning’s North office (in Thornton) was opened in 2019 to better serve clients located in Highland, North Denver, and all the way North to Boulder.

If you live in the Denver Highlands, Sloans Lake, Boulder, Lookout Mountain, Wheatridge, Northfield, Todd Creek, or anywhere in between, then we clean homes in your neighborhood.

In fact, 5280 House Cleaning has some rocking great cleaning professionals who live in North Denver, many whom have been cleaning with us since 2011. So on a Tuesday in 2019 when half a dozen of them walked into my office and said “Hey Boss, what’s up with the cleaners in the East getting their own office, and we don’t get one?” I agreed to look into the matter. We found a place in Broomfield a couple of months later, and that’s when we opened the North Office.

September 4, 2020 8:19 am

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